Async Producer / Consumer Pipeline
In my previous post I mentioned I wrote what I call an async producer / consumer pipeline. I described in detail a compiler error I encountered in my initial efforts, and how I resolved the error, but did not share or discuss the actual pipeline code. I focused on how the VB language, generally regarded as less capable and elegant than the C# language, supported a syntax of defining and immediately invoking a lambda expression, while the C# language did not support the syntax. This syntax is well known to JavaScript developers as an Immediately Invoked Function Expression, or IIFE. […]
An Async Lambda Compiler Error Where VB Outsmarts C#
Stunned I have encountered a scenario where the VB compiler outsmarts the C# compiler. I am stunned by this. C# is the far superior programming language. But I’ve done a lot of testing and am convinced it’s true. Stumped Month ago, while working on C# code for my Leaderless Replication post, I ran into a compiler error I did not understand. My mental compiler- as opposed to Microsoft’s C# compiler- concluded all the types were correct and the code should compile. I could not figure out what was incorrect about the code. I accepted my code was wrong- I’m not […]
Extending Dapper’s ORM Multi-Mapping Capabilities
Since I last posted, my wife and I have bought a new home, moved, sold our previous home, and ran the Chicago marathon. All while getting up the learning curve and taking on more responsibility at our new jobs (both started in June). Needless to say, I’ve had no time for tech blogging. Until now. OK, let’s get to it: Dapper is a great micro-ORM library. It’s simple and highly performant. I love its Multi-Mapping feature, which simplifies mapping columns from a SQL result set into multiple object types. It has an annoyance though: The lambda method provided by the […]
The Inherent Conflict Between Bohemian and Militaristic Time Management
My wife and I are training for the Chicago Marathon. My wife has run more than 25 marathons and is fast enough to qualify for Boston- once in 2009 and again last year. She and I have run the Chicago marathon the last three years. I’m quite proud of having completed the marathon three years in a row (26.2 miles is no joke!) but I’m not really in the same league as her. Man, I was suffering for my sins this morning. I had cheated myself of sleep this week and the long distance running Gods noticed (they always do) […]
Hello World, Poker Style
I have updated my reference application with code that evaluates Texas Hold ‘Em poker hands. I had written the poker logic a few months ago. Recently, I moved it into a class library and service. This project is a long way from a functioning poker application that enables users to play Texas Hold ‘Em against artificial intelligence “bots”- my ultimate goal. But it’s a fun start. Evaluating poker hands certainly is more entertaining than confirming a “Hello World” message sent through an SOA stack appears at the other end of the pipe- on a web page in the user’s browser. […]